cartel los zetas execution

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U might not enjoy it as much"Possibly unlike you my brother,if i got an opportunity i would gladly cut them open as sure as i am here,,,i have a sneaking suspicion you might as well,would that be ok in your eyes?I would not wait for so called court justice,as i have not,,,anyway that is entirely natural.Ok,be cool now,go listen to fuckin Allman bros,Blue Sky live,naughty shit my brother,and then,,,what a man needs,,,some feminine gentleness,anyway,,,,im drifting. Three of them are bare-chested. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees, no? .. Just for clarity, which god is it that's going to punish all these beheaders but apparently sits back and lets it all happen anyway? most of us will never experience the pain that these people cause. February 24, 2013 at 12:26 PMMike Thompson said"..America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation.."----------------------------------------------It is America's policy of PROHIBITION that has created this horrible situation. Bilderbeck,Illuminati,Freemasons,yada,yada. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? This is the worst thing ive ever seen. to view video you must elect to continue to the second page. People who enjoy watching this shit and say things like "this was awesome" or "whoa nice beheading" (I've seen these comments on another site) are fucked up. Including that chapo bastard. This kind of crap included. The women have been identified as Lourdes Gregorio Garcia Amaya from Texas, Raymunda Amaya Contreras, Maria Del Rosario Carrizales Amaya. and to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered? Born in Hidalgo, near Mexico city, Juana was recruited by the ruthless Los Zetas cartel while working as a prostitute. We did it to them VC's the same way they did it to us, so don't feel bad about it. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. I come to BB for the stories, I cannot in good conscience watch another torture video after watching what was arguably the most disturbing couple of execution videos yesterday.Write your congressman, send him links to these videos, call your state rep too. Im sorry all I see are a bunch of pussies! Marciano 'Chano' Millan Vasquez, 34, was jailed in San Antonio, Texas, for 29 killings carried out for notorious northern Mexican gang Los Zetas between 2009 and 2015, as well as drug and weapons . Investigators are asking for the public's help in identifying the gunmen on the run. Still, the humanity of it all is appalling to say the least.NOBODY deserves to die like that unless they themselves have inflicted death on someone else the same way. You cant even eat wen your watching that. feetfetish Why you want to support them narcos. He tells them that they are free to go but the husband (or bf, cant remember well) needs to stay. Let's party AND TAKE ANOTHER HEAD OFF!". Then work your ass off, you rather get dirty money fast you are a fool. The day is coming Christ does not let ANYONE get away with anything . This is a systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment right to "Freedom of Speech. fatigues standing behind three kneeling men. !.looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him leftpoor sod.To the people who like thisfuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too the screaming i will never forget,ever. Sorry that Mexico is having hard times right now when back then USA was going threw the same shit when they were killing Indians for land and being fucken selfish fuck dumb fucks go take a shit o something n worry that ur bitch don't cheat on your ass ha now that's something u need to worry about fuckers. This is the Zetas execution of 3 Gulfo. brazil Guzman isn't any better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans. Picture shows part of the message but not actually viewable. They have money, power, influence, and control and will not be stopped. Authorities expect more violence to ensue in the coming days. I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. Youre right bro.. delta force did take Pablo escobar out.. los peles got the credit for it.. the US needs to take chapo out and any ONE who gets in the way.. Mxico needs to stop acting like they have any pride and let the US help.. The video shows four women on their knees in a field, their hands tied behind their backs. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and I honestly believe the cartels have the power to turn Mexico into a great prosperous country again if they work together. Then began to scream with unimaginable screams of terror..The so brave,extortioning people,car jackings,thinking are invincible,kidnapping,and you screamed like little girls at the time of your death? Yea your really tough. This guys aint mexico they terrorize mexico. Watching this horror has made me re-think some things in my short existence on this planet. I think that that is really sad and people need to stop doing stuff like that because they can go to hell for that, THAT IS REALLY SAD WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO THESE PEOPLE IT MAKES NO SINCE, The video of the golfos being decapitaded, valor por tamaulipas siad that two of them dind' t belong to any criminal group. In this ghastly murder, the CDN faction appears to have struck first murdering the relatives of a state police officer and a farmers union leader. You are really willing to go to hell for money? That was just as gross. There are so many gods out there to choose from. They would call it a papercut. I wonder how many people have these golfos or zetas have killed in this fashion now they are getting a piece of their own medicine im sorry but eye for an eye its like all these cartels are trying to out do each other all there doing is continuing a cycle that never ends and this should be a lesson to all not to get into this shit buisness you dont pay or you lose a load and you snitch its been one for you.Now you kill innocence in this fashion then you deserve to die in this or far worse fashion .Good night and peace to all . ?careful BU they see everything! I hope the cartels can learn to work together and form a truce because they will be left alone under the current Mexican administration if the murder and kidnapping stops. You are a sick fuck just watching it,in you mommies basement. Laws against both are a waste of time, energy, and treasure, imposed upon us by hypocritical politicians who love hookers and drugs. Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die. This is LIFE people do these things and some actually deserve it. Movies are not reality. Makes you wonder "why?" that would suck having your head cut off that way, must really hurt too. Think about it February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow"as opposed to highbrow?No i was actually talking about wine? Is this what these guys look forward to? for fucks sake. this is wat happens wen u eat bread n front of the poor. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov. Again: Welcome Home. i wonder if the mexican govt. I watch this video and get bloody sick.I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. These Narco vids have proven nothing! - Viewer from Laredo Tx. If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. I know I will. Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel The video shows four women on their knees in a field, their hands tied behind their backs. I guess it can be a way to desensitize yourself to it and deal with what you just saw. "the gringos do it to,the gringos,the gringos,its all the fault of the gringos"sad whining motherfuckers.Fuckin funny seeing Mexicans whine like this.I didn't know it was my fault that Mexicans are beheading Mexicans and posting them online,its also my fault tons of drugs are landed in ports and brought over the border,i just didn't realize until you made it all clear to me.Us gringos ey,we are the cause of everything,ha,ha,ha.Fuck off humpty back. Videos are usually executions recorded on videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or on social media. I feel sorry for all these narcs that are murdering people, torturing them, yeah they probably snitched or did something else but no one deserves to die like this no matter what they did. Video After a few minutes, four of the men suddenly attack the women, slashing their throats. They do get help at time from the US, but not enough to keep them supplied as well as the cartels. Its crazy in Mexico, so much hatred in Mexico. Perhaps e40 and his boys? Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. Oh shit hes comin after me now.I will recognize him by his bulging eyes,quivering big lip,and a hump on his back,they say he sprays you when he talks?Big lip. God, please forgive them. The war is going on right next door, not the other side of the world. How humans can do this to one another?When you come to this site daily or weekly you start to become a little more numb every visit. No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing. I am talking about the video in the field. One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code DISTURBED for 83% off and 3 extra months for free!A video showing the execution . [3] By the end of 2011, Los Zetas had eclipsed the Sinaloa Cartel as the largest operating in Mexico by virtue of their geographic presence. God will punished someday all sick terrorist bastard murders everywhere! One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. the border is like the butthole of america and the farther south you go is the sphincter, the reason american schools are lacking is because of all the mexican kids that couldnt care less to learn what is taught in our schools so we have had to dumb down our system to cater to them, basicall gumming up the system, and dont act like texas isnt filled with way fatass mexicans driving around in checy or dodge trucks. As if spix don't off each other? Chivis their is a new video of zetas dressed in their fez uniforms they do the same to 3 alive to way worst than this one these guys actually scream and yell horrifically. These fucking people are disgrace the killers in the video should deserve to die a painfull death. killer A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man's feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: . the first video isnt that bad chivis but the second one damn ive never heard a grown man scream for his life like that. As for the bullet to the head zetas offered a reward to anyone who gives up the people who created the facebook page its really personal and for the message what i underatand it pretty much that anybody who feels like heros going against los zetas (not CDG) this is the fate that awaits you and for the the videos there is a ton more on mundo de narco .com. No they do not.if you knew anything about nature you would know that they kill for food territory to raise their young and mating animal has ever killed over a bag of crack, Well damn!! Once the women fall to the ground, the attackers decapitate them. Guy tells the victima sorry brother ill see you in hell too.Thats all I can get thank u guys. The book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang is the chronicle of the Japanese atrocities on Chinese innocents and what the Japenese did parallels Mexico, Central, and South America today. The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. also PN had convoy with one armor. to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like thiswake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong think this is horrible? Drugs?? "And whats your point sad sack? Ethnicity doesn't matter. if you are barking up the tree that mexico is somehow more far along than the u.s in some way i dont get it? February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU"I promise i will try and find your nuts,,oh,and your sack. God will take care of all you who are doing this. The Zetas in 1999 began to work for Osiel Crdenas Guilln, recruiting former soldiers to create the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel; eventually begins to recruit members in active service of the 15th Infantry . Accidentally stumbled, but God, please give peace to those poor soles that had to die so tragically. fuk em they kill their own family members its the truth. Then the killers cut the throats of the women and behead them. that comes with it makes you wish you had never been involved. I can't even imagine. and GATEs unit covoy as well.good night world, Thanks Chivis guess im not going to Reynosa Twister, Reynosa its bad my uncle and gis wife live there when it starts to get dark they stay inside and dont open thd door for anything. Was it Delta Force? These are fucking savages. These videos are ridiculous. All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union. It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. It is a badge of honour to die in silence with your head up. But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. The murder appears to be part of the ongoing war between rival factions of the Los Zetas cartel. There is no honor in wasting your life like that. I must say that luckily that I did not eat lunch before I saw the video. its not the part where you wonder if it hurts only the first few slices hurts , but then from their on it just that when they see them self being cut they scream more but not much pain as one think just panic, but that's what happen when you inform . Either way, Something has to give. I've gone from being shocked to angry. U might not enjoy it as much. maybe america isnt progressing in that, hoards of immigrants and migrant workers arent seen bumming rides on trains nearly falling off and then at the next stop, the zetas kidnap everyone and then kill them for some reason. I did two tours of Viet Nam in the 70's and HAVE ACTUALLY BEHEADED a HUMAN! Hearing all the scream and gurgling sound.. The Nazis probably didn't do this shit. What in the fucking world is wrong with these people. one thing we dont hear is how much the mexican goverment is spending on the drug war. to happen to all those who goes against the letra, especially Vigilantes Mante ?maybe make him the star of one?? the only people that love watching this filthare adam laza type M.F. If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. thanks for your time if you do happen to go back and answer it. There have been hundre. i hate these videos and i felt the nessesity to show my unapreciation of such material. The most recent murders took place on Friday early morning when a team of gunmen . and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. The group has also upped the ante for sea and air authority too - fighting the likes of Sinaloa and the vestiges of Los Zetas and Los Pelones to take heed over the vital port of Chetumal and the . or if anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. sosa ask tony do you know why we kill childrenand tony just says there just kids manesosa explanes to tony that killing children is part of the dopegame to let others know not to fuck with us tony!!! Your head up so do n't feel bad about it did not cartel los zetas execution lunch i! To continue to the second one damn ive never heard a grown man for! 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